Prayer Warrior
Into existence I Decree declare let the Narrator and there weird hooks poverty witchcraft tormenting demons be sent
back now passage X3 hit
Psalm 79 12 Wear your prayers Narrator Richard Boyd Sharon Boyd Gwen Braden Kelly Couldron Gwen Braden Salcedos Torres Magdaleno Larry Brand Deanna Brand Larry Loudermilk Sara James Jake David Trimble and 50 coven your not using my GRACE JOY of the LORD bday energy DNA signatures prayers breakthroughs marriage ordinance by God to keep or reap for my life
my kids family that is a good thing innocents period permanently. Let the enemy be ashamed and sore vexed. Let them return and be ashamed suddenly Psalm 6:10
100 fold passage hit
name is Shame for the Narrator and followers your 3 work for me with no one to hold you or love
you no one can come near you no one text you call you no one has a heart for you your no one hearts desires for the wicked after me my kids my family that is a good thing after me no shower no movements let the weird wicked people have no showers Show me a token for good, that they which hate me my kids family that is a good thing innocents may see and be ashamed 100
fold be ashamed Psalm 86:17 passage hit
there name is Shame no FAVOR of the LORD no soul attraction
no magnetism of any kind no GRACE God hates you. Scatter there bones and put them to shame hit hit
passage Psalm 53 5 No peace for the wicked at all in any area God hates u. I speak
into existence for Angels
to be released to war and win easily against any spirit or wicked
people assigned to block my prayers from being answered Dan 1012-13
passage X3 hit now 100
fold I release the arrow
fold of the LORDS deliverance in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents 2 Kings 13 17 hit
passage I release YOUR SHARP
arrows into the heart
of the KINGS
hit passage X3 100
fold Psalm 45:5 Ordain and release YOUR arrows
X3 against my my kids family that is a good thing innocents hit
passage X3
fold persecutors
don't get back
Psalm 7:13 Then let passage X3 hit
fold Send out your arrows
and scatter the enemy Psalm 18 14 No peace 

of anyone's your the talk
of the TOWN now weapons Isaiah 54 17 hit
passage X3
fold Make my my kids family that is a good thing innocents turn their back
with your arrows
upon YOUR strings X3 Psalm 21 12
fold Shoot out YOUR arrows
X3 and destroy them Psalm 144:6hit
fold Send your arrows
abroad Psalm 77 17 don't get back
up FOREVER it's not your GLORY to GLORY to keep not your harvest you prayed for not your JOY of the LORD
HEAP mischief upon them and spend YOUR arrows
them hit
passage X3
fold Deut 32 23 bind these verses to my strength get there crap witchcraft weird teeth hooks tools out of my air jaw chakra throat back body eyes
life phone online time happiness dreams come true air hearts desires God's Ordain marriage for me my kids family that is a good thing innocents then let my breathe be GREAT 
my kids family that is a good thing innocents not the way to wicked to be alive let them not have any FAVOR period no lust no sex no drugs no way to speak
there wicked demons go back to them screaming from the arrows that destroyed there weird wicked evil power 100
fold right now Hebrews 4 12 Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword 
X3 piercing even into the deepest of marrow bones gone now bind the verses to me my kids family that is a good thing innocents every minute moment hour day year continually until my prayers are answered my kids family that is a good thing innocents for now on all the way from the spiritual to the PHYSICAL in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen