O dear Jesus, we bow down before You today and ever. You are the One sent by God to save sinner from going to hell. Twelve discioples witnessed a heavenly vision on the mountain fo Transfiguration..
As He was praying, the appearance of His face changed and His clothes became radiantly white. An Elijah and Moses appeared appeared before them talking with Jesus. Luke 9.29
Notice that Jesus was first praying before the heaven Father. Speaking to Him day and night to God will change everything that surrounds you.
His appearance changed. He was transformed into a heavenly figure that was shining before them. O what a glorious experience to have.
His clothes became radiantly white. The holiness of the Lord will make you shine as light.
Turn all your troubles to Jesus.
Make Him the primary purpose of your existence.
Love HIm with all your heart, mind and soul.
Wonderful things shall happen to you when you enter into His holy presence and worship and adore Him.
O Lord... Purge me hissop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51.7
As He was praying, the appearance of His face changed and His clothes became radiantly white. An Elijah and Moses appeared appeared before them talking with Jesus. Luke 9.29
Notice that Jesus was first praying before the heaven Father. Speaking to Him day and night to God will change everything that surrounds you.
His appearance changed. He was transformed into a heavenly figure that was shining before them. O what a glorious experience to have.
His clothes became radiantly white. The holiness of the Lord will make you shine as light.
Turn all your troubles to Jesus.
Make Him the primary purpose of your existence.
Love HIm with all your heart, mind and soul.
Wonderful things shall happen to you when you enter into His holy presence and worship and adore Him.
O Lord... Purge me hissop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51.7