Beloved of All
High efficiency at my job (high school teacher). Protection from any evil. No disturbing classes with obedient, peaceful pupils. Motivated, inspired pupils. My classes highly efficient, original, interesting. This whole school year 2024/2025. My pupils achieving great results at state exams and great grades in my subject, German. My pupils very motivated for learning. Me getting insights, wisdom, revelations, knowledge to make my classes highly efficient. No pupils doing problems or disturbing classes.
School authorities/department of education or anyone else to build a school kitchen and restaurant for pupils and longer breaks/pauses for eating lunch. They are anyway too short - 15 min...30 min would be ideal. Lord change also train schedules and bring in new trains in a schedule for that matter. Pupils are waiting in front of bakeries and shops and are late for classes.
My old parents extreme health, strength, optimism, energy, vitality, longevity. Quick solutions to any of their problems, especially day care/senior care/expert help. They are rejecting it for various reasons. They are 86. My father very dependent on my mother for some things and serious health issues - eyes - almost blindness or vague/double sight, swollen prostate gland, little back skin tumors. My mom has also some chronic issues, is very burdened and concerned about my father and their future. Sometimes on the verge of crying.
School authorities/department of education or anyone else to build a school kitchen and restaurant for pupils and longer breaks/pauses for eating lunch. They are anyway too short - 15 min...30 min would be ideal. Lord change also train schedules and bring in new trains in a schedule for that matter. Pupils are waiting in front of bakeries and shops and are late for classes.
My old parents extreme health, strength, optimism, energy, vitality, longevity. Quick solutions to any of their problems, especially day care/senior care/expert help. They are rejecting it for various reasons. They are 86. My father very dependent on my mother for some things and serious health issues - eyes - almost blindness or vague/double sight, swollen prostate gland, little back skin tumors. My mom has also some chronic issues, is very burdened and concerned about my father and their future. Sometimes on the verge of crying.