Hi please pray for me. I have WPW syndrome where i have an extra electrical wire and it causes me irregular heart rhythms all the time. I can’t do anything anymore I can’t move to fast or move too much it’s so stressful and I’ve been so stressed out and going to fast lately and nothing happened for weeks but then last night I had another episode where my heart sped up and I started panicking so I started shaking. My anxiety makes it worse. Ive been having heart waves all morning where I can’t breath and my heart starts speeding up. I’ve been praying to God to heal this whole year since it started happening so often but He hasn’t healed me yet and I’m confused why idk. I got saved I think at the end of last year but Idk if I’m truly saved I think I am. My mum also is getting the same thing so please pray for her. She also has been getting these blackout things so please pray for her about that too. Thankyou