Prayer Warrior
Hi. I'm Joanne. would you help me pray that (many) wiill get rid of their artificial lights. I can't take anoother minute of it all over the city and buildings. They are just glaring and blaring. even the vehicles and even the emergeny vehices shine the lights on you on everyone and they hurt so much. how are they supposed to catch anything or save anyone. it is like they ignore women. or maybe someone esle. but they never help anyone anymore. and some people, staff will come up and tell people not to stand close to somwone else. who do they think they are but they look very foolish. not letti8ng people be affectionate to ward one another and telling healthier (and better looking) people and telling ladies who where to stand. . it is so agressive. telling older people i think too. and givng medical advice in stores and legal advice. crazy . really hurtig people to so they keep their illusion of thier jobs. 9 to 5. but everyoen is hurt. and is so aggrexxive and some outright violent. we need health and kindness and common sense and justice or restoring too.. lots of people still alive but amazing. but the lights are awful. i thik aloto f eople stealing something or other that aggressive. and lying. God save the world. Save us. save your health and pleasure. absent of pain. so many actually try to hurt others and keep their jobs? and arent arrested? and they say. whoever act dumfouded like they don't even know what your'e talking about and pretend to know what is beothfing. so defensive. and that is so scarey. the pain is unberable. [lease pray for all of this. for me and my partner. People I don't even know won't lte me talk to him l like waiters or waitresses or whoevder? gov t staf. crzay and the banks are getting away with murder. Thank you so much. Joanne
everyone ne3eds water and excercise. not machines and traffic and computers and di9strubing the piece and fight. (etc. ) tresspassing. i9t hurts so much. thank you. very mu7ch
everyone ne3eds water and excercise. not machines and traffic and computers and di9strubing the piece and fight. (etc. ) tresspassing. i9t hurts so much. thank you. very mu7ch