Disciple of Prayer
Hi, I am feeling very lost. My husband divorced me but has stated that he misses me and that when he starts thinking good things about me, he goes to a list that he made in his phone with bad things about me. He is sabotaging the good things with the bad. This is just an example of him being back and forth. I want reconciliation and he knows that. I pray for it and actually see God working in him but obviously we are not actually on that path. I do not know if I should mentally shut that door to reconciliation at this point or continue praying for it and trying. I have asked God for understanding of it and when I pray these small, specific prayers, they seem to be answers and I see a little success but then it is followed by ### completely rejecting me after. Ex. He asked me out on a date. We had a great night, laughing and enjoying one another. This happened right after I prayed for him to desire to spend time with me! The next day, he said he really enjoyed our time but "can't" give me reconciliation. I am lost. I would really like some sort of advice as well as prayer. ### ###