i pray God will use your daughter greatly for HIs glor.y i pray she is healed. By his stripes she is healed. please also pray fo rmy mom who has asperger possibly brother too. please pray that the Lord heals them accoridng to HSI perfect Will. i will be praying also pelas epray fo rmy uncle who has autism and grandma hwo has been bedriddenf ro years to to brin truam oxygen deprivation bacteria.... pleas epray fo rhe ri am her caregiver. pleas epray she is heale dint he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ for HIS glory. . pelas epray God heals neurological developmental disorder isn my family for His glory accordign to His WIll .
i cna see how oyu feel this way. your sort of wriitgn to how w i was feelign this mornign! Liek thignking the whys.. thinkign similar things... so it is no accident that i am reaidng this prayer. i am praying God will be glorified and though your daughter and fmaiyl greatly. THe Lord has healed people born with things like cerebral palsy this was even one incident that someone was healed of asperger an autism that i saw not long ago. I
t was by HIS stripes that the y were healed and your daughter as well as al of us. the Lord purchased the healing for us. thank you Lord Jesus Christ. I am praying that the Lord heals your daughter for His glory! He is our healer. always. BY His stripes she is healed Lord we thank you for healing their daughter and whole family . You are glorified LOrd Jesus Christ is healer redeemer savior Lord of all!!! He healed al manner of sickness and disease. H eis the same yesterday today and forever. the Lord has heale dme in many way including bones teeth different body parts like my kidney and eyes nose.. the Lord Jesus Christ dleivered me form demonic posession ( tha ti when i belΓved in Christ. i was very decieved i was trying to heal my self through occult meditation. the Lord save dmy life and healed my facial boens when praiyng in his name. I sought HIm any many months and askign gGod gives us faith when we pray ..
. praise to HIm f orever and ever and ever! He is the healer the onyl doctor and i pray for oyu rdaughter. t be heale in His name of all illness in the nameo fhte Lord Jesus Christ.
In His name their is life.THE Lord healed all who came to Him in faith. By His stripes we are healed!! thank YOu Lord Jesus Christ. yYour strripes Lord Jesus Christ we are healed. We ask that you heal her according to by Your stripes she is healed. all praise glory and Honour goes You Lord Jesus Christ : i also pray for the parents. Lord guide them with your Holy spirit. Please giv ethem your presence and leading onthis Lord. Youa re the Healer. we do
one thing im learning more strongly is that I msut be firm and belive that i have recieved when i pray .
ive been goign years and years with the whys... but even if i dotn understand why etc.. W eknow the Lord Jesus Christ irs tis our healer! i noticed tha t when i asked for prayers that i saw helaign in my grndma for instance and big helaigns for me ( I knew it was othe rpeopel praying as well. I am so grateful for allwho pray fo rme an dmy fmialy.. i am praying for your daughter. in faith!
in the name above all name in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
James 5:16
King James Version
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
King James Bible
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive
them, and ye shall have