Humble Servant of All
Hi friends,
You may know that I've posted a bunch here over the past week; it was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I had sort of a faith crisis. It's gotten so much better, thanks to our Lord and your prayers. Tomorrow (Friday) I have an unannounced observation at my job; I teach, and basically one of my administrators comes in to watch me teach. It could have happened any time this week, but I know that it has to happen by Monday and since it didn't happen yet it will (very likely) happen tomorrow. I am so nervous. Please pray that the lessons I develop (and continue to tweak) are received favorably by both the students and my admin. Please pray that the day (tomorrow) passes quickly and that the period I am observed passes even more quickly. Please pray that all my kids behave (they're good kids usually, for the most part, but it's May and they are getting antsy with the lovely weather, and I had a discipline problem with one kid this week who will likely be in class tomorrow). In short, I beg of you your prayers. Thank you so much for your continued prayers (and for reading all this!), and may God bless you. Thank Him, and thank you. Amen.
You may know that I've posted a bunch here over the past week; it was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I had sort of a faith crisis. It's gotten so much better, thanks to our Lord and your prayers. Tomorrow (Friday) I have an unannounced observation at my job; I teach, and basically one of my administrators comes in to watch me teach. It could have happened any time this week, but I know that it has to happen by Monday and since it didn't happen yet it will (very likely) happen tomorrow. I am so nervous. Please pray that the lessons I develop (and continue to tweak) are received favorably by both the students and my admin. Please pray that the day (tomorrow) passes quickly and that the period I am observed passes even more quickly. Please pray that all my kids behave (they're good kids usually, for the most part, but it's May and they are getting antsy with the lovely weather, and I had a discipline problem with one kid this week who will likely be in class tomorrow). In short, I beg of you your prayers. Thank you so much for your continued prayers (and for reading all this!), and may God bless you. Thank Him, and thank you. Amen.