Hi friends. Please pray for me. I have multiple prayer requests so please bear with me . Um please pray for me I have heart problems. I have an extra electrical wire that causes me irregular heart rhythms/ palpitations, dizziness, trouble breathing, weird and tight feelings in chest, beating in my back etc I causes me and my loved ones much anxiety and stress it’s always in the back of my mind. It’s been happening for a year. It’s exhausting. I just want it to be gone. I also been so confused why God hasn’t healed me yet. But I need to remember Gods truths and promises etc. He will heal me if He wants to, He is perfectly able. Please also pray for my next unexpected cardiologist appointment on the 24th Nov. also I’ve been a Christian for nearly a year now but I just keep having doubts if I’m truly saved. I haven’t been able to get baptised and I can’t find a church. On top of all this health stuff this year I have I had all these other problems plus my loved ones are having health stuff as well and my mum is having irregular heart rhythms as well. I’ve only got through this year because of God. I’m so happy I got saved at the end of last year. It’s been great walking with God this year. I’ve learned so much and been changed in ways I thought I could never change. I want to keep walking with God. Even better from now onwards though. Please also pray for my loved ones Salvation. I want them to be saved Please also pray for God to forgive us for our sins. I do wrong everyday. But I keep on doing the same things. Please pray for my sins. Also please pray for my panic attacks. I’m always stressed out and panicking my anxiety is getting worse. Even as I write this . I need to remember though. God will help me. He has so much this year already. He always has. Please pray for me to remember these truths and promises of/from God and not just remember them but also believe them. 100%. I also pray that whoever reading this will also Please also pray for my job employment place appointment tomorrow. I want to get a job. I want to be an artist . But I haven’t been able to do anything because of my health sorry for all the emojis haha. It’s very hard with this health stuff especially the heart stuff. I can’t do anything or go anywhere anymore please pray for me to be able to live my life and just not have irregular heart rhythms and stuff anymore. I’ve been having a fear of death as well. I just keep thinking I’m going to die. And I’m scared to because I think I’m maybe not saved and I’m not ready to yet. Please also pray for me to not get stressed form being a Christian anymore. Unfortunately praying and reading the Bible and everything stresses me out for some reason. Please also pray for my mum and mine anxiety. I feel like I can’t go anywhere anymore. It makes me to nervous and stressed out and then that makes my heart worse. Pleas slaps pray for me to not have heart episodes anymore and panic attacks anymore. When it happens I can’t stay calm and just keep thinking I’m going to die. I keep having this misconception that God is angry with me and punishing me. But that’s not true I know. I have many more priser requests but I don’t want to make this request too long. I rave on to God about all this nearly everyday Thankyou for reading all this. God bless you.