Prayer Partner
Hi everyone, My dad Brent had his liver surgery. It didn't go as planned they were going to just do it by Laparoscopypy. But they found the tumor on his liver had grow. So they needed to open him up by surgery. They intended on cutting out 1/4 of his liver. But they found 2 more tumors so they took 1/2. And they scooped out 2 other areas and will be testing them. He is awake and he is sitting up and they even have him walking which is a miracle in itself! I thank each of you for your prayers. He is unable to keep anything down though so they have him off all food and water and put a tub into his stomach to try and help the bloating. He is going through so much fighting. Please if you have time to pray his is able to get his bloating down and pass Gas so he can start to heal and get the tube out. And pray his other biopsies come back cancer free! I have been trying to get up to see him every other day but it's a 2.5 hour drive so it has been difficult but he needs the support. Thanks Josh