[SIZE=10pt]A prayer was lifted up for you both and Lord willing there are a few things you need to know. What is done is done and when the Lord leads you to do something then trust that His will is done. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]From this point on do not rely upon your own understanding when talking to one another but call upon the name of Jesus (your armor of Light) and trust that He will give you what to say and do. Meaning, the instant you hear the other person’s voice you call upon the name of Jesus and He will give you what to say and do until reconciled but you must believe with all your heart that our Lord Jesus will give you what to say or do. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]When you pray for your loved one use their whole name because there is something very spiritual in a name. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]The devil is after the Godly one in this relationship and will use whomever you are attached to, trying to pull you down into the mire of despair.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]The goal here is to reach for the mark, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Pray continuously and put your mind on the task at hand, concentrate on your job and don’t fret about this situation because once put in God’s capable hands it is a sin to worry and Lord willing reconciliation will happen. You must have the attitude that no matter how this turns out you will seek the Lord Jesus' will in your life. Let the other half go and stand back allowing the Lord Almighty God to work His miracles. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]If there is fornication before marriage or in this relationship, concerning either one of you, make sure you have repented of this sin because it wreaks more & more havoc, woes and disease against your body & relationship.[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Allow no anger[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], especially over money or worldly things, this is the devil’s way of stopping Gods blessings from ever reaching you. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Get into the Word of God and stay there for the rest of your life! Read Psalm 91 and the first four verses of Psalm 68 every night before bedtime until you know them by heart. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Remember what you allow yourself to think, see, hear, say and do literally set into motion Almighty God’s [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]creative powers that form the matrix of life’s reality you find yourself now walking; so knowing this practice each day focusing your whole attention on your movements whether thoughts, sight, sounds, words or deeds, doing that which is good, positive and constructive.[/SIZE]
"A man can no more diminish God's glory or His Son Jesus by refusing to worship them than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell."
[SIZE=11pt]If you do not know Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah, as your personal savior yet believe He is Lord, was born of the Virgin Mary, died for your sins, arose from the dead the third day and is now at the right hand of Almighty God, then if so lead say this simple pray to be saved and have eternal life in the Kingdom of God.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Hear Oh Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and blessed is the Glory of the Lord from His place; Precious Jesus the Christ of Nazareth please forgive me my sins and come into my heart and life forever Amen.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]If you are sincere in this prayer then know for certain that you are saved and if you need help on your Christian walk email me back.[/SIZE]
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