Faithful Servant
Hi before i woke up today after going to bed for the night i had nightmares about my best friends / cousins and brothers and other family making faces at me and trying to attack me and rip my ripping my face off i been having those dreams for the last year and been dreaming of those type of dreams off and on for the last 7 years and i been dreaming for the last 6 years about there being doppel gangers double gangers of me and my friends and family coming around us and attacking us and making faces and trying to kill us off and the last 3 times i dream of them is today Last night and the other night and i also dream last night and today and within the last 7 years that my adopted family members that die came back alive from the dead and had attitudes with me take mme in and control and overpower me and not giving me no freedom or space and all and not letting me be my own person and i also Been dreaming about my old workshopJanus And coming to our area And controlling and over powering us and making face at us and splitting us up in separate groups Give me and not giving us us our space and freedom either I pray that none of these dreams come true or continue in Any any Form Or way or chapter possible please pray against them In Jesus name amen