Good and Faithful Servant
HI, and this is a prayer mixed with what I believe is true but not taught for some reason or other. If it wasn't for what's happening to me but my troubles have increased since. OK I've posted a few prayers on here about being attacked by Satan the great deceiver, and or his demons and dark angels, about hearing voices etc... But I do believe the origin is coming from him through my wife for last night she about jumped out of bed kicking in her sleep etc... For years as I've been trying to sleep I've heard her snoring. OK no big deal on that end but she talks in her snores. I've dismissed it as just me not hearing well since my left ear is very bad. But since this thing has invaded me or been transferred to me, those snore talks as I call them are like NO it wasn't me and or other things etc... and really not sure but... then in the sounds or whatever it is I hear the noises match or seem to match what she snore talks or something. OK here I've posted this before too but will again here in my prayer. The Psychic and The Supernatural: Telepathy from a Biblical Perspective see the image a stream???? Anyhows since we work with a literal and spiritual realm there are two Babylon's as in the come out of her my people both the physical and spiritual are at play here. Ok The USA is the seat of the physical Babylon as in NY City with the UN etc... As in the whore that sits on 7 Mountains nations multitudes tongues and peoples. this sits over many waters which are part political and the private sector etc... the second spiritual Babylon is related to the link of Telepathic power. Satan deceived the woman first with his Telepathic powers then Adam so... Babylon is as Babel the tower but is also related to something like a Babbling Brook. or as in using vain repetitions sorry to some in the Catholic religion but praying over rosery beads does this. but secondly as per one of the other links I've posted on here before, is related also. Mind Control •constant repetition and chant, with chant and repetition, and repetitive chant... Ok so here's the prayer for her and others around the world that need out of Babylon as per the telepathic link which is the devil deceiving people into thinking they are actually doing this and bring them out of it please. Technically without Satan's power they aren't reading minds or hearing anything other than what he's doing to them. I believe my wife is attacked into this and has been attacked by Satan for years and years. So I truly for her and myself but I'm not nearly as important as her and the others that are being deceived into thinking this truly exits. Please I pray for agreement in prayer over both parts as I've stated. First the physical removal of those In the Physical Babylon. Meaning people who believe in Globalism and the second part that people come out of the spiritual Babylon who believe they need some sort of mind game to keep them healthy and safe etc... Thirdly and I know this may go against a lot of people who think the Vaccine will be the cure it won't Masks are the first part or second part of the beast mark the vaccine is the second or third part of the equation. in our time I have not seen a time where Govt's around the world can mandate an appendage and people will follow Christians alike for they've been deceived in that are as well. But Romans 13 didn't say to people to obey Govt Decrees it said to obey Gods higher liberty. Exousia means liberty not power which is the word in Romans 13 as in obey the higher power but it is supposed to be Liberty. So a lot to digest and some may just think this is crap, but if you've truly read the scriptures with a pure heart and discerned certain things you know are true and this may help you know that was more likely the correct way. Assuredly I am not a false prophet for the false prophet has already came. But they have never taught the full truth of scripture and the return I do believe is very close since people are now receiving this evil vaccine etc... So please I beg people to agree with me in prayer over these things weather you don't know or understand exactly what I am saying thank you. I in Christ name pray this as the first that people start coming out of both the physical and spiritual Babylon and pray that your people will begin to come out of her Amen!