Chris M.
Hi and may the Lord hear your prayers! Please pray blessings to my attorney and my former employer's attorney for helping me get my settlement and re-admittance. Pray blessings to two of my good older managers, for helping me get a part-time spot on their store. Pray my current employer will allow schedule accomodations so I can have that one day with my old company and still get my 40 hours. Pray God to help us pay our bills and take care of all we have to do. Pray we will be blessed to take care of everything and utilize what we have. Pray our old car keeps going, and that I might be able to get that little used truck I been hoping to. Maybe a used newer car too, that's more reliable. Pray I start working out, exercising, and running again, one step at a time. Pray for my schooling as well. Pray we can one day buy the home next my family, and we cand be by each other. Pray for me to come out of my shell and not be so shy. Pray I can meet new friends, make new friends, and good relationships. Pray that me and this one guy I know become friends. He and I both lost our moms. We have similar histories, and work close to each other. He and his wife/kids live nearby too. It was always hard for me to relate with others, b/c everyone still has both parents, and did not know how to understand with me. this guy, seems to relate well with me. Pray we become friends, since, I don't have my brother or close friends nearby. Pray God to protect my family, our pets, and all we have against evil. Pray we our blessed and have the protection, thru Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless!