Chris M.
Hi and blessings to all. Pray for colleague B, he has had so many struggles in his life. Teen pregnancy in high school, relationship issues with his ex,the mom of this child, & internal struggles. She had shared this with me and co workers at my former job, when their son was very ill, and we filled his medicines. He, B, is in another relationship and has 3 back to back children, 1,2, and 3. There is a lot of stress and issues I heard and we seen. He unfortunately has been talking behind my back, making fun of me that I work 3 jobs, said I must be desperate, went back to finish my Master's, live in an older house, have our older car. Yet, I know he has so many issues eating him up from his ex, work life balance, faltering relationship with the Lord, this new girl and all those kids, and he never finished college. He is hurting inside so bad, you can see it. Pray for God to heal his soul and heart. Pray he becomes a better person for at least his new girlfriend and their kids. Pray he be a better example to his teen son as well. I see what the ex had endured. So sad. Pray he gets a wake up call thru Jesus! Pray I am there if needed, but at the same time keep my guard up, until he changes. Please also pray for the differences I have had with another colleague, pertaining to this earlier today. I tried to discuss it with manager, but I feel, like it goes no where. Pray for my safety, there, my position, and God to punish these wicked doers thru Christ's intervention. Pray no harm comes to me via these evil people. Pray God to cast them away. Pray my "Good History and Reputation," will defend me and my stance. Pray for my family, my pets, my self, our health and safety in Jesus name, amen! Thanx to you all and God bless!
Pray God to grant me strength and combat all this, thru Jesus Christ, thanx. Prayers to you all.

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