Beloved of All
hevaenly Fathe rpleae dleive rmy fmialy form the devil and all its demons delive rus form all generaitonal curses forgiv eus our sisn pleas ehav emerc yin the nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. thank You for giving me the Lord Jeus Christ. I prise YOu Lord thank OYu for Your eternal salvation . I thank yu Please dleive rme and my fmaiyl form all fals eways. Lor dmake YOur WIll clear to me clearer than anythign.Let me and my fmaiyla nd all people ONLY ONLY hear your Voice Lord. pelase odnt let the devil destroy kill or steak form anyone today or ever again int he namoe fthe Lord Jeus chirst. Lor dpleae dlieve rme from all illness form stress. form ebign undesired. rreleas eme form that please Lor dint henamof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t please also hela mymom of asoperger syndrom thank YO lord Al prais eand glroy ot oyu Lord Jeus Christ