Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
Here and there, there are verses that some Christisns interpret one way, and other Christians interpret another.I too have this situation with others.Like one verse Christians like to proclaim is count it all joy.And they willy nilly apply it to anything and everything.But Jesus said after that .."WHEN".(meaning a specific time)people persecute you for My names sake.(Meaning you're doing the right thing )But we also read "to everything there is a time, a time to laugh A TIME TO WEEP".If we go to a funeral of a lifeling friend dancing with h a princess isn't that an out of context emotion?wouldn't it be inappropriate?Why would Jesus suggest something so out of context or downright masochistic?I think t heyre overlooking the second part "WHENmen persecute you for My sake"After all, He Himself cried at times.We have a range of emotions not just deliriously happy every second of every day as some interpret it.