Prayer Warrior
I hope to visit that new church tomorrow. Please let me accept what I cannot change. Show me how to act, so I may avoid the same mistakes. Keep me safe. Help me make it to my doctor’s appointment. I do not want to be rushed. Please let the truth come out and protect me from people who do not have my best interests. Forgive me of my sins and for whatever I did to cause people in my life to treat me like a problem. Please protect me from my husband’s and sister’s problems. I want to go first. I want them to obey my final wishes. I do not want to be embalmed. Please keep my children happy and safe. Please help my friends and family who need You right now. Please make my home safe. Help me keep my benefits and make the right decisions. I need to save and budget. I need to plan a garden or farm. I need to pay off my car and learn to live on less. Please let my sister-in-law and nephews make this a good transition. I hope we can help each other. I have good intentions, but I am fearful. Please do not let anyone take advantage of me. Thank You for my blessings. Forgive me of my sins and nature. I want to do the right things. I want to give back and do Your will. Thank You for Jesus and my animals. Show me how to help people and give back without losing and getting hurt. I must forgive and forget. I must treat people right. I hope it is not true about the Bible’s in China being tampered with. Jesus is good. Jesus is who we should be like. I want to spread the gospel. I want to worship and honor You correctly. I need patience. I must focus on my budget and thinking about myself. I have been taking for granted. I worry about people and things. I am unsure on what to do. I pray the people involved will back off and give me space. I pray for their empathy and understanding. I am not trying to hurt anyone, but it hurts how they think and act. I am ready to let go and move on. Show me what to do next. It is a weird feeling. It is lonely and sad. I trust I will have food and shelter. I trust I will have health care. I do not feel safe traveling. I fear my husband is going to go to jail or get into more trouble. Please keep me safe. If he is using me, please remove him from my life and replace his income and benefits. Inspire him to do what he needs to do as a man, or he needs to leave me alone. I only let him back in because he was treating me so badly. I did not want to give him an excuse. This relationship is over. I am just waiting on my health insurance benefits to start. I am not going to make any decisions or purchases until I am divorced. I need him to help me, so I will help him. I want to let go of my resentment and face reality. I cannot miss what I never had. This makes things easier for me. I have to accept what I wanted is not real because my husband lied about his past and identity. He is not the man I married. I made the mistake of having children with him and staying. Now I have to undo this mess and figure out my next step. There is no future with him. He has been consistent. I cannot expect him to do something he has never done. I just need him, the twins, and my sister to own up to their behavior and accept me flaws and all. If they have all this anger and animosity towards me, please help them to let it go or leave me alone. I do not know how or why they are all so selfish. Where did I go wrong? I have to focus on me and my dreams. I cannot depend on anyone.