Beloved of All
I am exhausted of existing at times. I am part of a family that likes to lie and cheat... despite the fact that I was raised to be honest and with Christian values, and I did live up to them for most of my life but got tired when I realized that no matter how much I did my best to do what the Bible says and was always honest, my family would get angry at me and treat me like their enemy because my honesty wouldn't line up to the lies, manipulations, and games they would apply to people they were taking advantage of. Also because I wouldn't support that and I would speak up against it, wouldn't participate, would do my best to not let them do that to people despite I always ended up being seen as the villain because my family would paint me that way and since "it's your dad", "it's your mom", "it's your older siblings" was mentioned I was never taken seriously...and when the truth would come out I would pay for it like if it was my fault when I was the one warning them and trying to protect them...all because my family would twist it against me. I didn't realize till I was much older that my family used me as their "scapegoat", like the one in the Bible where the Israelites would put all of their sins to and realize to the wild to die.... even though their sins aren't my fault... I had to pay for them over and over again... I always felt like an alien in my family and was always treated as less, being called stupid and not enough meanwhile they would use my intelligence, my studies, etc for their own gain....I would support them but they would take till they would leave me ripped apart and then call me stupid again, telling me I was good for nothing, etc... over and over again....and when I decided to not let them anymore....I was still the villain... I am so exhausted...that despite the truth coming to light I am never seen, never appreciated, still painted with their sins and people believing them... I am not Jesus...I am not here to die for their sins, that was already done by him and his doing was more than enough... I am not here to sacrifice myself for them....or be used.... I just wish they would least my mom...I wish she would see me and love me as her daughter...and would stop minimizing me, blaming me for her things...or for my brothers...because since he is the guy he gets all the credit he steals from me and she supports it and lets it happen... it's like they only had me to be used and disposed.... and every time I have communicated that to them they just deny everything..act like if it never happened, like if I make things up and in my dad's words, "this is why women need to be lobotomized"...... all of this ends up affecting me in jobs, relationships, etc....which they have to control, scared that I will become independent.... please help....