Prayer Warrior
I feel sorry for my husband. Why is he so mean? Why do I misunderstand him? Is he using me? Is he going to hurt me? Why does he treat me so bad? Please let him become self-aware. Heal him from the demon who makes him turn his back against You. He cannot see You have always been there. Forgive me for being negative and full of hate. I hope my family sees me in a better light. I do not know why they treated me so harshly. Thank You for my blessings. Change my heart and attitude. Help me to ignore his negativity. I tried to be different, but I do not like how he treats me. I need for them to accept me. I want to treat them with respect although they are not willing to put in the work for me. I know You can reveal it to them. I know you can show us. I am grateful to be Your child. Thank You for all you have done. I want to know the truth. I want to be like Jesus. I want to know who I am. I want to help the meek and mild. I am sorry for my negativity. I ask for their forgiveness. Please change my heart, attitude, and tone. Let me be the better person. I will leave them alone and wish them the best. Help me to love, care, and forgive.