Disciple of Prayer
My prayer site is protected my name is cleared everyone illegally in my energy signatures is exposed with no drama for me my kids family that's a good thing light family. My mom clears my name up if needed at the church if they are complaining about me instead of honoring me for the grace I have been praying let them be judged I'm Hebrew it's not my burden to bear tosave the world anymore. I'm no one's business my kids are no one's business my family that's a good thing innocents light family are no one's business. I have a life that I love with a great paying job either one full time job or 2 great part one jobs that I can enjoy my life
not be stressed anymore. Who judges me constantly making my life hell for honoring God all my life goes straight to hell today along with all witches warlocks wizards today is God's day and then I succeed my boyfriend succeeds he is great to me we get along great my kids are happy and get along great with who there with we all have our happiness no stressing let Kareena Gross be judged for her lunatic behavior and anyone else needed for now on loose verse Psalm 79:12 DNA 

period permanently now forever 
.You pray it keep it loose verse Deut 28:13 DNA 

period permanently now forever 

. Tailed never will I myself my family that's a good thing innocents light family be the tail and not the head loose verse Deut 28:6 we are blessed coming in and going out DNA 

signatures Joy of the Lord Glory 2 Glory positions anything God gave us stays with us DNA signatures 

period permanently now loose verse John 10 10 10 10Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz Loose verse Psalm 64:7 shoot my arrows that don't miss make sure everyone God's arrows aren't cheap DNA 

period permanently now forever 

. loose verse Zech 9 14 let your arrows go forth as lightening against the enemy DNA 

period permanently now forever 

. Loose verse Set your Mark upon my enemies for your arrows Lam 3:12 DNA 

period permanently now forever 
. Loose verse heap mischief upon them and spend your arrows upon them be wounded suddenly Psalm 64 7 forever 

period permanently now forever. Loose verse Shoot out your arrows and destroy them Psalm 144:6 forever 

DNA period permanently now. Loose verse Send your arrows abroad Psalm 77:17 forever no ones anoiting is being used against me my kids family that's a good thing innocents light family forever 

DNA period permanently now forever
. Loose verse Neh 13:2 Turn every curse sent into a blessing I live a life that I love my kids do and everyone who is a good thing AND light family not anyone who secretly has been stealing from me and my kids my mom for now on. We life
and life abundantly hearts desires in our life
have more abundantly all of the thieves blockers killing John 10 10 Gods will byeeeeee shame is your name
no one's energy to keep prayers to keep good vibes to keep good times to keep no one's holidays to keep I get to relax and my kids Forever family that's a good thing innocents light family no more anxiety extreme drama lost blessings we keep our harvest this year this new year for DNA to stay with who prays it if u earned a place with God u get reaping of blessing ayour either 100
fold blessed or cursed land of Goshen God you decide remove the evil so I can I have my peace I earned Joy of the Lord Glory 2 Glory positions and everyone else no one has our happiness time prayers favor to keep forever 

period permanently now forever
into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen