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Prayers for Your Roughest Times
Iyanla Vanzant, the author of the new book Get Over It!, unpacks how we process negative feelings, and offers you mediation that can help undo the damage.
By Iyanla Vanzant
1. Betrayal
How it feels: Someone you trusted and cared about threw you under the bus and then backed up over you. Someone did or said something he/she promised not to do. Someone exposed your weaknesses, shortcomings or private personal matters to get what he/she needed or wanted or, perhaps, just because he/she could.
How you talk to yourself about it: He/She/They lied to me. He/She/They always misrepresent things. He/She/They deceived me. I trusted them, and they exploited me.
A prayer to release it: Just now, Dear Lord, I confess feeling betrayed by people, circumstances and situations. I confess that I have betrayed myself at times. I confess the need to understand certain people and things. I confess the feeling of betrayal when people demonstrate they are not who or what I want or need them to be. I confess the need to understand why things happen the way they happen. I confess, Dear Lord, that there have been times when I believed that You had betrayed me. Just now, in this moment and for all time, I surrender every thought, belief, behavior, understanding, learning or attachment to the experience of betrayal. I surrender feeling betrayed, being betrayed and looking for signs or evidence of having been betrayed.
I choose to shift my focus from people and things, and direct my focus on who You are within me, who You are to me and who You are for me. In Your presence, all betrayal is brought to naught and nothingness. With Your presence, betrayal has no power in my mind, my heart or my life. As the presence of You in human form, betrayal has no power within me or over me. I choose to focus my attention on Who protects me, Who guides me and Who loves me. I now declare that, as I shift my focus, all sorrow and suffering is lifted from my heart. As I focus my attention on trusting You, I know that everything is in Divine Order. I know that all seeds and roots of betrayal are eliminated from my life. Thank You, God, for receiving this prayer. Thank You for the healing that is now an aspect of every fiber of my being. Thank You for healing in my life and in all my affairs. I am grateful for the healing in this moment and all moments to come. I rest in Thee. I let it be! And so it is!
Prayers for Your Roughest Times
Iyanla Vanzant, the author of the new book Get Over It!, unpacks how we process negative feelings, and offers you mediation that can help undo the damage.
By Iyanla Vanzant
1. Betrayal
How it feels: Someone you trusted and cared about threw you under the bus and then backed up over you. Someone did or said something he/she promised not to do. Someone exposed your weaknesses, shortcomings or private personal matters to get what he/she needed or wanted or, perhaps, just because he/she could.
How you talk to yourself about it: He/She/They lied to me. He/She/They always misrepresent things. He/She/They deceived me. I trusted them, and they exploited me.
A prayer to release it: Just now, Dear Lord, I confess feeling betrayed by people, circumstances and situations. I confess that I have betrayed myself at times. I confess the need to understand certain people and things. I confess the feeling of betrayal when people demonstrate they are not who or what I want or need them to be. I confess the need to understand why things happen the way they happen. I confess, Dear Lord, that there have been times when I believed that You had betrayed me. Just now, in this moment and for all time, I surrender every thought, belief, behavior, understanding, learning or attachment to the experience of betrayal. I surrender feeling betrayed, being betrayed and looking for signs or evidence of having been betrayed.
I choose to shift my focus from people and things, and direct my focus on who You are within me, who You are to me and who You are for me. In Your presence, all betrayal is brought to naught and nothingness. With Your presence, betrayal has no power in my mind, my heart or my life. As the presence of You in human form, betrayal has no power within me or over me. I choose to focus my attention on Who protects me, Who guides me and Who loves me. I now declare that, as I shift my focus, all sorrow and suffering is lifted from my heart. As I focus my attention on trusting You, I know that everything is in Divine Order. I know that all seeds and roots of betrayal are eliminated from my life. Thank You, God, for receiving this prayer. Thank You for the healing that is now an aspect of every fiber of my being. Thank You for healing in my life and in all my affairs. I am grateful for the healing in this moment and all moments to come. I rest in Thee. I let it be! And so it is!