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God, whatever you are doing can you please stop?! It's only contributing to my inner turmoil and is becoming Way Too Much...I may internally collapse (I'm being serious). Ugh, I hate this...because now I struggle with telling you how I really feel. I don't need this...feeling high then's honestly is. Can You Please Get Me Out of This? You have the power to, you hold all the power in the world. I still can't put this into words for I don't know or understand what you are actually doing to's not satan, I know it's you God, it has to be (I'm not blaming Him, but trying to recognize - for this has been going on for a few years)...because it can't be just a coincidence like has to be orchestrated by you, right? You do this and I don't know for what purpose...all I know is that I am in Deep emotional's like agonizing turmoil. To those who want to pray for don't have to: This isn't a complain, but a fight by the way...but for those who continue to dislike me/hate always, continue to believe whatever.