Need help with finances. I am in financial debt. I was denied a deferment and reduction by one bank and I need to ask another bank for payment reduction. I only have a part time job. I make enough to pay the loans but will not have money for food, gas, or insurance for truck so I will not be able to drive. I get some food from my mom and the church. I have to make sure I can make all payments or they will go after my mom and we would lose the house. My mom and I both have health problems but can't get the help we need since we can't afford it. And this does not sound important but I miss being able to go out, see a movie, eat where I want, or even date. I am tired. I need the finances gone or a good job in my field (visual effects or art) to pay off the debts and help my mom and myself. Thank you. God bless.