Humble Servant of All
help VERY URGENT EMERGENCY please pray thank you so much and be blessed thank you please prayerr request for my grandma schndeider Vilmosné please please Pray fpr her she is in the hospita all alonel. for her salvation and urgent healing of her heart and circulatory system and to be delivered fo all her ilnesses.. she has been bedridden for 5 years. please pray the Lord heals all he rillnesses. please especially pray for her heart and bod ymisalignment adn all nerulogical disorders and forher whoe body to be healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory. please!she has very high blood pressure doe to mislaigned deformitiesi hn her body. Please pray for her heart to be strengthened and heale dof all heart disorders and all circulatoryadn circulatory system to be healed and delivered of all obsturctions. please!!! pleas epray she has excellent oxygen to allher cells and that her heart is healed and all obstructions in her body are healed so they no longer obstruct but all deformed muscles and all body part and spine are formed anf aligned properly miraculously and excelelnd rich oxygenated blood flow for Schnider Vilmosné for Gods glory. Please Lord heal and save my grandma through the Lord and savior the Lord Jesus Christ. pelase use her for oyur Glory and do all you can to help he rin every way. give her faith i in You Lord Jesus Chrsit save her help her heal her and deliver herf from the root caus eof all her illness . pleas eheal all her body for you glory Lord Jesus Cjhruist. let n o weapon formed against my grandma prosper. protect her form covid and covid 19 mutations. protect her form allevil doeers and keeep her body warm, and give her the amount of nutritents water everythign she need sin the perfect amount at all times for Your Glory Lord. please heal my grandma please please Lord Jesus Chrsit. al save all people everywhere heall all the sick and deliver allpeople from demons and devils at all times. please deliver my grandmas body from all evil and form the devil by Your power Lord Jesus Christ. pleas heal her by Your stripes . All glory honour prais enad thankys to you. Please please deliver my grandma from all evil. heal her cross syndrome and all her body deformities by your power lord Jesus Christ, help all unbelif. please heal her Lord Jesus Christ. sav eher and heal all her flesh for your Glory. please be wiht her and let her know you are with her, strrenthen comfort her keep her warm and safe and give all that she need s at all times. send many Holy angels otminister to her and all the people at the Hospital. guide all peopel adn foruce all people t do your will. let mno accident or hard nor negrlect or misdiagnosis come upon my grandma please Lord. also dleiver Grandé form all evil spirits in the nam eof the Lord Jesus Christ. please comfrot her and protect her and give her perfect body posistion healed and whole body by the Lord Jesus Christ stripes for His Glory. Please i beg you pray urgently. for god to do a miracl eand to keep her safe from all evil at all times. For His glory and By His power. to keep her safe from covid and all mutations therof. that the Lord Jesus Christ heals her whoel body miraculousy pleas.e i dot wan to lose her. pelase. PLease pray she does not have a heart attack and that the Lord Jesus Christ does all in HIs power t intercede for her as her Lord and Savior and give her all the healing she needs for her whole body, heart circulatory system woel bone an dpower and muscles misalignment and deformities causing pressue and also all her craial neurologial dispoerds to be healed. her hwole body ot be healed for the Glory of God in thenam eof the Lord Jesus Christ by His stripes.for her blood pressure and that He heals schndeider Vilmosné for His glory and gives her the best medcial attanttion He has for her for His Glory. All praise and Glory goes to Him please pray thatt the Lord Jesus Christ does all in his power to deliver my grandma from all blood pressure disorders and that he supernaturally does this miracle for His glory. please pray it is urgent. Please pray the Lord Jesus Christ heals her heart strengthens comforts and guides all the people to interact with Her with His Holy Spirit. Please pray that She is able to be delivered of the cause of her high blood pressure that her cells have excellent blood pressure always and the the Lord Jesus Christ does this for Hiy Glory. Please pray she has excellent oxyen to all her cells.. pleaseand the Lord Jesus Christ heals her bowel disorders muscle adn bone deformizies cross syndrome and that for His glory everything sialigned properly and all her flesh is healed by the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory. Please pray urgently as she has been having veríy hig blood pressue . please pray God miraculously aligns her spine and all her body to properly aligh so she has be delivered of the pressure. so she is able to have a proper bowel movement sof every kind with out obstruction. please pray that her spina hernia and belly hernia also be miraculoulsy healed by our Lord and Savior the LOrd Jesus Christ. PLease pray the LOrd forces the people in the hospital to do His ewill concerning my grandmas treatment and care and in all areas. please urgently pray that she does not have a heart attack. please pray he blood p Thank you God bless oyu forever!! pleas peray fo rher