Servant of All
El Shaddai, El Elyon, Adonai, Father of our hope & freedom. You are gracious & compassionate, slow to anger & rich in love. you are good to all & You have compassion on all You have made. You upholds all those who fall & lifts up all who are bowed down. You are near to all who call on You, to all who call on You in truth. You fullfills the desire of those who fear you & You hears their cry & save them. Blessed & Hallowed be Your Name. Loving & Tender Shepherd, rekindle in us an unquenchable desire to show our love for You & Your Son Yeshua, in all that we are & say. Forgive our distraction over temporal things, please help us to seek first Your kingdom & his righteousness. Glorious & Gracious Father, Holy & Perfect in every way, please help us to be faithful, for the sake of those who will come after us. Give us hearts of compassion for all who undergo privation & trouble. Help us in Your church when we find ourselves differing on issues, to follow a path of integrity confronting each other in a spirit of love. Help us to admit when we are wrong. We are human, we need your help, guidance & grace to overcome our lack of goodness & good judgment. Loving & Merciful Father, please destroy all the forces & powers & enemies that pursue us & seek to take us captive & draw us away from you. Empower us to replace our carnality, the vanity of lust, the competiveness & envy, with brotherly kindness. Help us not to be tolerant of sins of any kind on our lives. Have mercy upon us, O Elohim, according to Your loving kindness, according to multitude of your tender mercies, blot out our transgression. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquity & cleanse us from our sin. Grant us to be more like You in Your goodness, righteousness, love, mercy & purpose. Abba Father, please bless us & heal us in every way, ( physical, emotional & spiritual ). Hear & answer us according to Your Word in the Mighty Saving Name of Your Son Yeshua, the Messiah, our Saviour, the High Priest of the good things to come, the Author of Salvation to all who obey Him, the Way, the Truth & the Life. Amen, HalleluYah