Beloved of All
Prayer of Forgiveness
Righteous Father,
I know that You seek to have us always be in a right relationship with You and sometimes I do things that grieve You. I know that I do and say things that grieve Z too so I am asking You to give me the right words to say to be reconciled to Z. I know I have made many mistakes and have asked for forgiveness from them but it seems that it hasn’t restored our relationship to where we’re both in a right relationship with one another and I You desire us to be in one. I need Your help. Please send me Your Spirit to show me what I might have done wrong that I was not even aware of and soften Z's heart to accept my faults and extend forgiveness to me so that we can worship You together in the way that is pleasing to You and in the way You intended a boyfriend and girlfriend to be joined together in offering You thanksgiving, praise, and honor. I know that in my own inadequacies I cannot fully understand how to always say the right words or do the right things but it is my desire to be reconciled with Z and it is in the strong name of and for the glory of the name above all names, Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.
Prayer of Blessing
Great God in heaven,
I am asking You for Your forgiveness for things that I have done to You that are clearly sinful for I am surely not sinless (1 John 1:8-10) and forgive me for those things that I have obviously done wrong to my Z to hurt him and cause him pain. I am asking You to bless Z and help them to understand how far I fall short of the perfect girlfriend and I pray for Your help in knowing how I can help to restore this relationship and make it more of the way You originally intended for us to have a right relationship with one another and with You. I know that my prayers have sometimes been hindered because of my own stubborn heart and unwillingness to be a greater servant of Z and to love them in the way that You have loved me, even dying for me while I was Your enemy (Rom 5:10) and a sinner (Rom 5:9). Please extend to me Your mercy and grace and allow me to treat Z in the way that You love me unconditionally and not treat them the way that I often do. I need Your help in doing these things and again, bless Z and I thank You for Z and for Your forgiveness, love, and grace and in the precious name of the Savior, Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.
Prayer of Reconciliation
Father in heaven,
You have reconciled me to Yourself through Your Son’s precious blood and so I am begging You to help me be reconciled with Z. Only You can change the human heart (Prov 21:1) so I ask You to change my heart to be one that seeks to humble myself and seek reconciliation in my relationship with Z. Too often I speak without thinking and I know my words hurt him but this is no excuse for the things that I speak to him. I ask for Your Spirit to be sent to help us be reconciled with one another as Your Son’s precious blood was shed for our being reconciled to You (2 Cor 5:18; Col 1:20). This I pray for Your Son’s most holy name and for His glory, Amen.
Prayer of Restoration
You are in the restoration business; restoring me by giving me Your Spirit. You have made me into a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17) and I am pleading with You to help me restore my relationship with Z. How often have I done things out of pure selfish ambition and gain? I cannot count the times where I was only looking out for my own interests and not that of Z. Please forgive me for my selfishness and help our relationship be restored to the way it previously was back when it started. I need Your help in doing this because I don’t always know the right thing to say or do and I lack Your wisdom in acting out of a sincere and genuine heart that is motivated and loving him in the way that You love me. What more can I do to help in restoring this relationship to where You would have it be? Help me to think, act, and speak in ways that would reflect Your own love and for this I pray in the precious name of the Great Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Thank You Jesus for hearing my prayer. Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord I need you and thank you I trust you I love you in Jesus Christ name I pray amen
Righteous Father,
I know that You seek to have us always be in a right relationship with You and sometimes I do things that grieve You. I know that I do and say things that grieve Z too so I am asking You to give me the right words to say to be reconciled to Z. I know I have made many mistakes and have asked for forgiveness from them but it seems that it hasn’t restored our relationship to where we’re both in a right relationship with one another and I You desire us to be in one. I need Your help. Please send me Your Spirit to show me what I might have done wrong that I was not even aware of and soften Z's heart to accept my faults and extend forgiveness to me so that we can worship You together in the way that is pleasing to You and in the way You intended a boyfriend and girlfriend to be joined together in offering You thanksgiving, praise, and honor. I know that in my own inadequacies I cannot fully understand how to always say the right words or do the right things but it is my desire to be reconciled with Z and it is in the strong name of and for the glory of the name above all names, Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.
Prayer of Blessing
Great God in heaven,
I am asking You for Your forgiveness for things that I have done to You that are clearly sinful for I am surely not sinless (1 John 1:8-10) and forgive me for those things that I have obviously done wrong to my Z to hurt him and cause him pain. I am asking You to bless Z and help them to understand how far I fall short of the perfect girlfriend and I pray for Your help in knowing how I can help to restore this relationship and make it more of the way You originally intended for us to have a right relationship with one another and with You. I know that my prayers have sometimes been hindered because of my own stubborn heart and unwillingness to be a greater servant of Z and to love them in the way that You have loved me, even dying for me while I was Your enemy (Rom 5:10) and a sinner (Rom 5:9). Please extend to me Your mercy and grace and allow me to treat Z in the way that You love me unconditionally and not treat them the way that I often do. I need Your help in doing these things and again, bless Z and I thank You for Z and for Your forgiveness, love, and grace and in the precious name of the Savior, Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.
Prayer of Reconciliation
Father in heaven,
You have reconciled me to Yourself through Your Son’s precious blood and so I am begging You to help me be reconciled with Z. Only You can change the human heart (Prov 21:1) so I ask You to change my heart to be one that seeks to humble myself and seek reconciliation in my relationship with Z. Too often I speak without thinking and I know my words hurt him but this is no excuse for the things that I speak to him. I ask for Your Spirit to be sent to help us be reconciled with one another as Your Son’s precious blood was shed for our being reconciled to You (2 Cor 5:18; Col 1:20). This I pray for Your Son’s most holy name and for His glory, Amen.
Prayer of Restoration
You are in the restoration business; restoring me by giving me Your Spirit. You have made me into a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17) and I am pleading with You to help me restore my relationship with Z. How often have I done things out of pure selfish ambition and gain? I cannot count the times where I was only looking out for my own interests and not that of Z. Please forgive me for my selfishness and help our relationship be restored to the way it previously was back when it started. I need Your help in doing this because I don’t always know the right thing to say or do and I lack Your wisdom in acting out of a sincere and genuine heart that is motivated and loving him in the way that You love me. What more can I do to help in restoring this relationship to where You would have it be? Help me to think, act, and speak in ways that would reflect Your own love and for this I pray in the precious name of the Great Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Thank You Jesus for hearing my prayer. Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord I need you and thank you I trust you I love you in Jesus Christ name I pray amen