Disciple of Prayer
I prophecy decree demand command into existence I my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based bind Psalm 5:12 Shield Luke 2:52 Shield is up Highly favored everyone can breathe near me my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based bind Matthew 16:19 I have my keys my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently. My metro phone works great I get a great man by my side who can answer my prayers breakthroughs blessings that can b faithful to me bring in the rain clear all blocks on my online life all my mind time spine free for myself my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently everyone who stole everything from myself my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently let them not have seals of protection on there heads for protection they are way to wicked to be alive that are killing me my kids family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently let them be revealed now. I get a great place to live my stuff back from the house money back a person who can be there for me I'm.attracted to that isn't disgracing my face my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently. I have total freedom my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently Loose the verse to myself my family that's a good thing John 10:10:10:10/Diaz Diaz Diaz Diaz I get a new black guitar with soft strings to learn how to play loose the verse Hebrews 12:12 No more taking my knees mind for myself my family that's a good thing innocents forever ever again let the wicked not be able to scratch on the walls take everyone's glory to glory joy of the Lord. I my family that's a good thing innocents have our energy signatures we're not acting 2/or 3 fighting for our existing lives DNA based period permanently let it Rain blessings I have a love life that's healed I'm not by myself everywhere I go I have new friends new people who dot steal kill block or hurt children always near me let the weirdos that chase me my family that's a good thing innocents forever have no seal of protection let them have no dark black magic to use to protect sex no drugs no alcohol no level to get on let them have there dead inside don't breathe inside freeze outside so I can your husband's time mind spine and you won't succeed anything you do. Let the truth come out and let me get someone who hasn't been sleeping or working with to steal kill block keep for themselves my energy light signatures with Kayleena Freeman Albert Salcedo Rick Maria SalcedoRebecca Myers and cohorts Casper Luis and cohorts Sara James Jake Moore Whitaker Myles Hass weird followers Christina Creller Albert Paula Rick Maria Teresa Paula Rebecca Myers David Trimble and cohorts Judith Paliski Judy and cohorts Anthony Ferguson and cohorts Luis Torres and cohorts April Ramirez and cohorts Larry Brand Deanna Brand Gwen Braden Kelly Cauldron Shylo Tori Leyba all the people not in Gods will get removed now forever DNA based period permanently let these wicked people be brought to justice return stolen prayers breakthroughs charisma mojo time spent to pray for no reason. Let everyone be set free in the world bring out the truth now and let myself my family that's a good thing innocents forever DNA based period permanently in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen