Humble Prayer Warrior
I speak into existence I get the best dates to go on and I'm invited to Halloween party with who is GREAT thing for me hearts desires happen doors open wide BOAZ comes someone pays my studio rent even if they love in another city since it's only 500 it's already paid for the first month. There's no drama followers around me they cannot come near my energy DNA signatures period permanently. I always have date night I meet the best people that make my life fun I go on road trips get spoiled taken care with steak from the peppermill since its my favorite then boomtown steakhouse is the best it's my favorite as well. I have my air to date take great photos I'm great in everything I do I get the best people near me that can take the best care of me they bring me my favorite foods and they know how to please me until I get all my air back that has been stolen. I do my taxes and I get 300 back as well. The state approves my case easily they don't even ask about child support they don't even ask they realize I have nothing at all I'm not faking it either. Doors open wide that everyone in my movements my kids movements anyone else movements they die out we all fart them out I live a life I love with steak and flower and my family becomes very indica domanite then I take an eyelash class and we open a Franchise in New Zealand as well as here also brings cows over every door opens that a great thing for my life many dates come towards me continually so much I'm floored and I'm taken care of greatly by men who want affection love maybe just to see someone hopefully I can meet someone as well let the doors open that are only a good thing no more weirdos no broken picker no one who wants me to suffer and just weird people who are here only to steal energy in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen