Humble Prayer Warrior
Let the doors open I get help with leapers from LA area who can help me that love me easily without any knowing who it is and without them getting hurt. Let them find me on FACEBOOK Twitter Instagram even Snapchat whatever it is there into. Let the doors open wide that BOAZ comes from LA area and if there are good leapers for me in GALT area they appear to help me with my needs to push forward also help me with a job home safe place car fixed just a fun time with me and there happy to do it. Let the people who can help me arrive with my hearts desires in food since I have been going without so long. Let Sharon be well since I came in hot to save her soul and my kids souls and everyone who I loved souls. Since It didn't work only thing occured was I blew up the vehicle from praying for no reason all this time. Since I did years of praying for no reason and my kids my family possibly Sharon let it be returned in a way that is a good thing for all of us. Let the doors open wide for my life to be filled with someone who is a good thing by my side since I'm completely by myself. Let the people who have been secretly in my air my chakra be removed and let them be put to shame they destroyed they destroyed God Almighty had desires for my life and for the world as a solution savior one disciple etc. Let my FACEBOOK Twitter Instagram Snapchat have FAVOR DNA
likes have the universe attraction
it should let it have the right FAVOR signatures DNA
it should for now on. Andy comes into my life
and helps me in anyway he can and we're happy always when we're together we have the best times and fun when we see each other. Anyone else who is a good thing for my life always has the best times with me and we're always happy when we see each other there's absolutely no drama in my life or my kids they have the best times with the best in there lives as well. Let Sharon have the best times in her life with who is a good thing to help her be the Rose of Sharon the
BEAR that jumps off of the flag. Let Sharon's Boyd anointing that's not a good thing have no GRACE ever. Let all GRACE abound towards me that has my signature on it as my name means GRACE. Let no one have my GRACE to use for there purposes let everyone in my GRACE be tailed there way to wicked to be alive. Let all those who have destroyed my heart for everything I loved desired and GOD made me desire be thrown into a pit of hell immediately since that what they have prayed please send back all witchcraft evil your in hell no success your everyone's business your trash
just extreme blocking and stealing killing with no one cares and no one by your side. Let Psalm 79:12 hit they keep there prayers and none of my sunshine for evil doers ever again let the secret agents of Satan have no joy of the Lord of mine and my kids even Sharon and my family. Let the truth come out about Sharon if she really is a pedophile who just chases people to kill them like Richard BOYD all these years. Let the truth come out so the people of the world and the body of Christ aren't confused listening to a evil Narrator that comes against me and my kids innocents to steal kill block there way. Let the doors open all BOAZ'S from LA and that are a good thing for me can easily breathe near me so I'm not alone anymore fighting this battle by myself. Let everything I gave up and listening
to my PROPHET stay humble is not for no reason. Let GODS people arise with healing in there wings and then let them TAIL who needs it from everyone's air easily let them hear the Narrator voice and be repelled that the Narrator is a straight killed of children pets animals seniors dreams come true happiness anything you prayed just pure evil
. Let the Narrator never have peace because there to evil way to wicked for GOD ALMIGHTY even. Let the confusion leave everyone bind up Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdaleno Larry Brand Luis Torres Rebecca Ferguson Anthony Ferguson teeth Albert Salcedo Rick Salcedo Maria Magdaleno Hector Maya Kayleena Freeman Christina Creller Richard Boyd Sharon Boyd Gwen Braden Kelly Couldrom Kelly Leyba Teresa Hydrogo Shaleen Freeman Ferguson Wolfinger. Let everyone know that is a good thing that I have a new account in everything let the new pictures of me show so everyone can find me easily Let BOAZ'S from LA find me easily and message me so we can talk text call and be happy and have our happiness time in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen