Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare demand I put a press on my anoiting my Mom's anoiting my kids family that is a good thing innocents now send back
and reveal who the flys are hiding in our of my car daily and night I think 
1 or 2 flys hiding in my car and one or 2 nats hiding in the car total I think 
4 or more flys???? Hit
passage X3 Psalm 21 12 Arrows don't miss now hit
Passage Weapons byeeeeeee Narrator byeeeeeee and corndogssssszzzzzz
no hiding your not Great at hiding at all with anyone air we BREATHE or routine to keep. Send back
can't breathe inside
can't move inside
Enrique is well Hass is well no one is upset
with me but my broken picker is fixed healed now with stripes of Jesus. no one comes near me when I'm praying secretly charging my phone t's confusion sent by the Narrator and weird corndogssssszzzzzz.No one reaps the broken picker curse in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents Forever
. Send back
I'm so great you won't know it's me and you won't come against me I think
It's all of them start with Kyle Kayleena Freeman Albert Salcedo Rick Maria Salcedo Luis Torres Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdaleno Hector Maya followers Anthony Ferguson teeth Albert Rick Maria Magdaleno Hector Maya Sara James Jake David Trimble and 50 coven Paula's the ring Brad Tina Jo Calzado Lina Joshua Nixon and his mother Jessica religious weirdo. I think 
the Narrator prays it then they all follow it reveal the truth no mercy for these people these people need to be smited they are Hated By God Almighty no way to live in our air we BREATHE to take our life supplies we earn and achieve. Send back
I can't Breathe inside until I own your own everything you prayed in your life to wicked senders now and reveal who it is no ones JOY of the LORD can u keep period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee is your name
. No one nothing can make me Barren my kids family that is a good thing innocents until we die inside keeping our energy DNA signatures period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee is your name
. Protection in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents now phone protected on all of us no GPS movements no energy suckers tormenting demons stay with me my kids family that is a good thing innocents period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee is your
name. Bring in the truth about Myles Hass and Enrique I think 
and hope there a good thing and innocent to. Please bring in the truth I 
My Mom Sharon is a good thing please bring in the truth I hope so. Hit
passage X3
FOLD PSALM 79 12 with all wicked
people keep wear your prayers no GRACE of mine or anyone's can you keep your games are ended period permanently. No one is upset with me and not upset them as we have been attacked and attacking each other because that's how they kill us secretly let them keep it there strife malice all negative energy DNA signatures period permanently hit
passage X3 Deut 28 13 TAILED Tail X3
FOLD there name
is now tail period permanently. Protect everyone on my prayer site and let no one hear online that shouldn't or follow me my kids family that is a good thing innocents secretly hit
passage X3
FOLD X3 Psalm 140:10 Loose confusion and let them attack each other while myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents escape SAFELY then hit
passage X3
FOLD 2 Chronicles 20 23 Loose confusion and let them attack each other let them so confused
. Let them HIT
passage X3 Psalm 77:17 Send my arrows Abroad and then scream your way to wicked to be alive anymore no one will come near you your hated by GOd the creator. Let them hit
passage X3
FOLD PASSAGE NOW byeeeeeee Narrator byeeeeeee Deut 28 6 My family that is a good thing innocents are always blessed coming and going out hit
passage X3
FOLD Joshua 6:5 there JERICHO now is there name
wall is flattened and we run over every wall
erected by the enemies hit
passage X3
FOLD PASSAGE Psalm 64 7 X3
FOLD let them be wounded suddenly by my arrows they miss now let them hit
passage X3
FOLD Heap mischief upon them and spend YOUR arrows 

X3 upon them destroy them they don't get back up period permanently just scream then hit
passage X3
FOLD Deut 32 23 Shoot your arrows byeeee and scream your name Deut 8:18 Abraham's covenant seed pour your oil Holy spirit bring in the healing stripes we only need one for this evil crunching flesh eating demons they sent
send it back now and take everything back make them vomit 
it up they been evicted no master keys no water control of anyone to keep no one routine to keep period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee is your name
all curses hit you by the Grace of God Almighty now because my name means GRACE and I'm approved by God your not kicked out of stolen power stolen DNA
SiGNATURES based send back ancestor debt extreme tormenting demons hot sauce upset
stomach panic attacks beyond belief no Favor shield
to keep hit
passage X3 Psalm 5:12 Shield
is up for me my kids family that is a good thing innocents forever
then Hit
passage X3 Luke 2 52 NEVER again we I my kids family that is a good thing innocents lack favor as Shield
in our souls in our energy DNA signatures period permanently. Bring in the forces operating against me my kids family that is a good thing innocents to there knees make them weak not me my kids family that is a good thing innocents forever
and help us breathe again restoration even better then before for me and my family and innocents family that is a good thing innocents. Let no one be upset to ight if I had to scream know that it was for your own I apologize if anyone was hurt your fine now period permanently no one can be in my position or my kids family that is a good thing innocents no one can have my domain energy DNA signatures prayers to keep for a husband dreams come true air hearts desires favor or my kids family that is a good thing innocents forever
period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee is your name
kick rocks and don't get back
up animals pets have there glory to glory insects have there own energy everything is set free
animals are fed in the world
and happy
Give back there time to be happy not being sent everywhere weirdos period permanently for now on into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen