Humble Prayer Partner
Help me God please I need you to heal me I need help!!!! Please make me better I'm begging you.
I am so depressed I feel like I don't know who I am because I have ADHD and it's as if it's my whole personality I'm realizing
please help me overcome this, please if I end up in the psych ward please make it not be overwhelming for me I beg u. Please help me 

prayers are appreciated and please pray more than once I am suffering so badly. I am so worried to lose my boyfriend too please help me, please
please give me a sign and tell me who I am this ADHD stuff has really messed me up I'm so terrified. PLEASE GOD !!!!!

I AM SO WORRIED THAT I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO I AM, WHAT I LIKE, WHO I LOVE!!! I know I love my boyfriend but then I worry do I??? I was worried to take the meds cuz it can be a side effect to lose romantic feelings now I am so worried do I even love him now !!!!! My mind is a complete mess!!! I NEED UR HELP 

SORRY THIS PRAYER IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. Please help me I am scared in Jesus Name, AMEN