Disciple of Prayer
God the Father, thank you for empowering me to think to things above and not on this earth. I open my heart to your presence, to allow me to elevate my thinking. Lord Jesus I rejoice in the mind of Christ and help me to see it and think it your way over mine. I celebrate you and your grace and pray for it to stay within me. Please forgive not only my sinful actions, but my sinful motives as well. Please kiss Joni, Montgomery and Timothy and whisper in their ears that I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH!! Let them know how SORRY I am that we have to be apart. Please bring my little boys back into my life very soon. Please soften Joni's heart, placing love, forgiveness, mercy, desire, compassion, reunification, restoration, and reconciliation in her heart towards me. Please put pleasant memories of us in her thoughts and thoughts of becoming a happy family again. Let her know I forgive her for how she treated me and what she has done to me, and I'm a forever changed, not only a changed man but a changed soul. If my misery could be weighed on a scale it would out weigh all the sands of the sea. I shall never forget this horrible time in my life!! Yet I still hope in the saving grace of God, and the Lord's unfailing love, mercy, grace, and compassion that He will make all things right in his time. God know that I LOVE YOU! and trust it be your will and not mine, in Jesus name I pray all these. Amen