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;( Place to live please since I'm homeless no hope right now
- Thread starterVaranra
- Start date39 minutes ago
- TagsNone
Humble Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree demand command declare Manifest Mar 11 at 5:36pm I get a safe place to live a miracle happens everything I prayed all these years for a husband was stolen from me and idk if The people took it from me just to have with other because I was the wife of the Lord. I prayed really hard for what God Almighty Yahweh asked me to do it's still was killed from me I'm assuming the women I had to watch have it now with him the men who refused to love me date ever all these years I feel so stupid because I honored God Almighty his heart and being a wife is supposed to be honored but it wasn't I was killed ignored treated like dog crap I Feel just dumb for doing what God asked me to do. I get the truth and I don't cry about anymore my prayers that I worked so hard on. Loose verse Hebrews 12 12 in the wicked ones lives make sure they don't get to keep my air anymore. Give back my hard working prayers even if I'm by myself then I can find out the truth I feel so stupid working this hard for Gods heart. Let the thieves choke out on my home air car air broken ground marriage air health air wedding air lifestyle movements air prayers air routine Greatly air mind air wisdom teeth strength everything they stole block they killed me my husband soul mate person mama everything now. It was done right in front of me and I couldn't stop Any of it I heard my kids screaming for me I couldn't stop it. I tried there was to many of them there bullies who just steal everyone's movements routine mind spine domain GPS dimensions Glory 2 Glory Joy of the Lord. Let them scream like they did to us and no one can save them. I have nothing but years of tears I cry myself to sleep now years. Let the vengeance of God Almighty Yahweh come it's time I have Lucifer yelling at me to fix it. I can't they stole everything I needed him to fix it he's supposed to be Gods sheepdog that fixes it when he's mad and push me forward me nicely. He said been cut into pieces in a cage somewhere bottom of the sea. Idk if what Lucifer or the demon called Lucifer was right but he told I did it idk how if I I'm dead to? He said I might have earned his wisdom that could true he said I'm his wife that could be true to God is dead in me I can tell he used to be able to talk to me I could hear directly I haven't heard him in years since I was murdered in my sleep by the weirdos bullies to take everything. Idk if i have his wisdom I don't want it I need him free to kick the shxx out if the our enemies for me plz because they stole everything from I can't see hear nothing in my domain dominion energy light signatures extraordinary power it's all killed and stolen. I would have us free if I could use his wisdom and a better life at LEAST. Send it back and praise God our Father if he saved us Lucifer we might have Lucky he loves us more then we can imagine. Return his third eye wisdom back and return everyone's energy. Bring the truth out I don't believe I altered DNA it's a lie however whatever I did or someone God has our back let it be used for good loose verse Neh 13 2 Turn every curse sent my way my kids family that's innocent good thing Freemason Aldridges and Lucifer family that's not killing children or hurt us I have saved witches many times we are none of your business DNA based period. Reveal I think someone did this to cover there tracks and frame me because I love God Almighty Yahweh always honored him and had 24 hour surveillance to piss off My