Humble Prayer Warrior
I prophecy as Joanna Leigh Fairres Princess of Idonesia now Holy Spirit help I need peace plus I need Gods people not to b in second grade anymore or blinded as they have been please help now no more drama no more lies no more evil weird poverty dragons poverty witches warlocks wizards let them have there
Karma forever
reap what you sow right now Psalm 79 12 pray it keep it witchcraft bippity boppity boo whatever it Is you do for now on decree demand command declare everyone is out of my air my domain is clear it just says happiness is here I have my position Glory 2 Glory position no one is in it. Kayleena Selena Gomez Albert Salcedo Albert Paula All weird followers of Myles Hass or anyone he knows Micheal Aldridge weird followers have none of my air domain dominion prayers GPS energy signatures light signatures Joy of the Lord I'm protected my kids are protected no one nothing has our air we breathe can take our voice chakra control let the weirdos have Gods judgement today forever now no seal of protection on there head
they have become way to evil no attraction of Gods for protection either no way do they have Grace of any kind no way can they use spirit spouses there familiar spirit spouses loose there power teeth minds spine there domains are eviction notice Forever
dragon wants your head if it makes it out of Paula's portal they created or whoever created it with them DNA based period permanently. Let the truth come out and I'm calm not stressed I get a leave it to beaver
life because I deserve peace and retirement from prayers all day from extremely weird witches warlocks wizards people who get off
killing children Marriages pets animals forever
. Let the people of the world
figure out how to attack these weirdos and get there life right with Christ so they have the seal of the Lord on there head before God comes
. Don't let the weirdos take anyone's seals from there heads of protection let them have there
Karma DNA
showing Gods true enemies not protected by God at all let no confusion be done
. No more disgrace on my anoiting Joy of the Lord my name my bones my attraction
magnetism charisma mojo personality for my life soul my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
DNA based period permanently. Loose the verse Ordain and release YOUR arrows
against mine and my family that's a good thing perscutors send arrows abroad Psalm 7:13 Forever
DNA based period permanently loose verse Psalm 64 7 don't let get back
up from the arrows my arrows don't miss there not cheap loose verse Isaiah 54 17 weapons loose your GPS domain dominion online energy signatures light Joy of the Lord Glory 2 Glory positions you are FAKE and illegal let it be shown wear your prayers loose verse Psalm 79:12 now Forever let your Sharp arrows
against all evil doers secret agents of Satan Numbers
24:8break there bones now don't let there weird. Witches warlocks wizards make it out alive Numbers
24 8forever let them die always powerless with corn dogs on there foreheads saying here iam dragon
I'm cocky I pray anyway I want. Loose verse heap mischief upon them and spend your arrows upon them Deut 32:23 forever let them not get back
up let the foreheads domain online say I'm a corn dog cocky I pray use witchcraft anyways I want come get me dragon
Ilisten to everyone's air and think I can do anything I want I'm cocky. Loose verse let your arrow go forth as lightening against the enemy Zech 9:14 don't let these secret agents of Satan get back
up let there domain say I'm a cordog I pray anyway I want I like to kill children steal everyone's hard working prayers listen as a secret agent of Satan Im cocky arrogant camel that will not make it through the needle 
and I can easily take the dragon
no seal on my head because God absolutely named me abomination but I'm prideful. Please let these secret agents right now be stopped so I can have peace
my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals and let the cocky arrogant prideful secret agents of Satan have my arrows
fly and name them what they do wear your evil no way heaven will accept you loose verse Deut 28:13 Tailed in there domain cocky arrogant demons use all evil to hurt Gods people and just even the leave it to beaver a and animals with the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
remove witch followers jezebels weirdos loose my name my family that's a good thing innocents animals be confused loose my address my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals monitoring spirits go after each other in confusion demons attack each other in confusion setting the captives free forever
in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen