Humble Servant of All
help help I need help please pray for Becky Mom no more dietary issues with sugar for urology no more salt issues for urology Pittsburgh for peace and have the home been a war zone argument screaming yelling slightly doors children cry He are separated from our family and friends we are acting like enemies Peace pray for Lord to heal our families he'll Ross more energy together again never apart Peace pray for the love of God to follow him and keep him in the word every day every minute of the day please pay for Lord to heal Jesus need your womb unless you'll get to the doctors in January to shove all her medical work together so in her medical card together the same position and be taken care of get back to work be paid for Lord for new work for G the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Ghost please pray for peace and I have to know whoever noticing all when Julie let the Lord will get her away from sexual immorality and sin please pray for Lord to show Mr Peter only in Jesus only in Jesus a widow who needs a wife who's seeking Julie as his wife be paid for to seek him and show him who Christ is Christ alone only Christ alone only be praying for what is at the Hampton home your sons and laws and grandchildren people from major rehosts major house repair work that Bob ate your bill to get help for little or no expense or pro bono to them to the hand of God through the Lord to make a way please pray for our are radio that the Lord will take care of mr m that he will seek Jesus that he will seek Jesus the He will stop being negative and explosive explicit is speculative from those who don't believe the important of of mister be that mr b will be leading the country that the Lord will work through the blood of the Lamb and the baptism of the Holy Ghost please pray for Lord to show have under the blood of Jesus Christ please pray for Mr Emily he will stop trying to be the judge jury executioner pray for Lord to open his eyes to what his role supposed to be prayed for father are and other archdiocese of Wisconsin in Minnesota that they will have a meeting and talk to him about the change that needs to be changed and that our faith in Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith will not be compromised but human opinion only by the blood of Jesus Christ in the scriptures pray for Lord to show him that is that the our radio program that he has will be changed in a near future and that the Lord will wake him up and show him who Christ is pray for Mrs v to help G this is end to help G pray for food supply help to continue that the City of Hope Church will be the next step and next stop in the near future the missus and sister will help G to take G to the center to the grace of God peace pray for Laura to not allow those visits to end the missus and sister will do the right thing and help G in the near future pray for Mrs Vita help she at the appropriate time and that they will get together and that the Lord is in control please pray for Jesus SS program to continue that it goes through well in the name of the Father's son the Holy Ghost pray for Becky mom and no murder crying yelling screaming pray for Lord to get her help for her eyes also for her urology also for her heart echogram tests that go well he will get a good therapy and good investment procedure to be done in Jesus name pray for no mercy no mercy no mercy pray for that for Julie no more D number D pray for auntie BEA that she will pray for the family get help and Jesus name she will pray for her new nephews and loss and grand nieces and nephews in Jesus name pray for Lord to heal this family pray for G to get online soon so that G can able to pray with you she's been offline for weeks phone not working internet not working pray for Lord for the internet to work so that gee and all of us can get together and have conferences and prayer time we definitely need it very much so pray for the devil's lives to stop trying to seep in to Bob his mind lusts and gambling issues and contests issues pray for the same for Ross more for working issues for relocation issues the devil relocation devil the sexual immorality devil he devils and she devils and Jesus name people Uncle Charles repson spoken to G for wow that he's doing well the if he's spoken to Ross that the message was victory in Jesus and this is love for G is still strong in Jesus Christ pray for Mr Ted that his work is good and did Jesus name pray for victory today name of the father and the son the Holy Ghost thank you for your prayers