Disciple of Prayer
Dear Lord, Please help me. I am overworked at my job, I have little to no support from manager. I am being bullied by another manager who will not talk to me only complains when I am busy. I have been told not to do more hours than I am paid, but am being given so much work that I have no choice. I am so sorted and making mistakes, the latest one was a simple mistake, made when I had to leave a task incomplete to do something else, and then was complained about because of this. I no longer know what to do and I am so tired. I used to enjoy my job, I want to enjoy it again, but I am scared if this carries on I will get ill or lose my job. My family need me to work or we have nothing. My husband is ill and cannot work, my children are too young. Please help me to overcome my fears and to get the support I should get, please help my manager to see from my point of view and to offer support to me instead of criticism, please help me to keep my job. Thank you.