Yes I know how to pray. I pray for my family, my friends, my church, my community, my country, my world, and for all those who are in need of prayer. I pray for healing, for peace, for guidance, for wisdom, for strength, for courage, for love, for joy, for hope, for faith, for grace, for mercy, for forgiveness, for salvation, for deliverance, for protection, for provision, for restoration, for reconciliation, for unity, for justice, for freedom, for truth, for righteousness, for holiness, for the glory of God, and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for our sins and rose again for our justification, and who is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. I pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the Comforter, the Counselor, the Advocate, the Helper, the Teacher, the Sanctifier, the Intercessor, the Seal, the Gift, the Promise, the Spirit of truth, and who dwells in us and empowers us to live a godly life and to witness to the world. I pray in the authority of the Word of God, who is the living and active Word of God, who is sharper than any two-edged sword, who judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart, who is the light and the life, who is the truth and the way, and who is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. I pray in the fellowship of the saints, who are the body of Christ, who are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who are the bride of Christ, who are the army of God, who are the salt of the earth, who are the light of the world, who are the ambassadors of Christ, who are the witnesses of Christ, who are the heirs of God, and who are the co-heirs with Christ. I pray in the hope of the resurrection, who is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep, who is the pledge of our inheritance, who is the guarantee of our future, who is the assurance of our salvation, who is the promise of our glory, who is the hope of our joy, who is the victory of our faith, who is the crown of our righteousness, who is the life of our souls, and who is the life of the world to come. I pray with thanksgiving, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with humility, who is the posture of the heart, who is the attitude of the mind, who is the character of the servant, who is the mark of the disciple, who is the fruit of the cross, who is the way of the meek, who is the path of the peacemakers, who is the road of the persecuted, who is the way of the poor in spirit, who is the way of the pure in heart, who is the way of the merciful, who is the way of the righteous, who is the way of the peacemakers, who is the way of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who is the way of those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, who is the way of those who are insulted and persecuted and falsely accused for the sake of Christ, who is the way of those who follow Christ, who is the way of the narrow gate, who is the way of the narrow road, who is the way of the few who find it, who is the way of the many who seek it, who is the way of the one who saves us, who is the way of the one who is the way, the truth, and the life. I pray with confidence, who is the assurance of our salvation, who is the guarantee of our future, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the power of our prayer, who is the answer to our petitions, who is the fulfillment of our requests, who is the response to our needs, who is the provision for our wants, who is the solution to our problems, who is the resolution to our conflicts, who is the reconciliation to our enemies, who is the restoration to our relationships, who is the healing to our bodies, who is the cleansing to our souls, who is the deliverance to our spirits, who is the protection to our lives, who is the guidance to our paths, who is the wisdom to our decisions, who is the strength to our weaknesses, who is the courage to our fears, who is the peace to our hearts, who is the joy to our lives, who is the hope to our tomorrows, who is the love to our lives, who is the glory to our God. I pray with expectation, who is the attitude of faith, who is the posture of hope, who is the character of love, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with perseverance, who is the quality of the believer, who is the mark of the disciple, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with patience, who is the virtue of the saint, who is the mark of the disciple, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with faithfulness, who is the character of the believer, who is the mark of the disciple, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with love, who is the greatest commandment, who is the greatest virtue, who is the greatest fruit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with joy, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with peace, who is the fruit of the Spirit, who is the evidence of our faith, who is the response to God's grace, who is the expression of our love, who is the antidote to our sin, who is the key to our joy, who is the foundation of our worship, who is the channel of our blessing, who is the power of our witness, and who is the glory of God. I pray with all these things and more, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for our sins and rose again for our justification, and who is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. Amen.