Disciple of Prayer
Helo my name is Jeanetta Christians,I'm a Christian,attended Shofar Christian Church in Stellenbosch Cloetesville,I'm 54 years old,I'm a carer looking after old people,have 4 children's,3 daughters one son,5 grandchildren's,married for 4 years now. The reason I ask for prayer is something is very wrong in my house hold, I don't know what is going on everything when wrong,the money,foods disappeared in my house nothing holds for long,we agru alot in my house,fight with each other ,yoh it's very very,

I can't explain sometimes in the early morning some one or something is letting my granddaughter falls from the bed and she is 2years old now,things desappeard in my house and all off a sudden it's back again
,like I explain to you I'm a carer but I can't keep my work,sometimes I work for a month ,or two months and then I loose my jop for nothing I can't keep it for long,I don't know what is happend in my house,we were a happy family before,me and my husband urgu alot yoh alot I don't know why but we urgu for nothing,and I when to court to take out a protect tive order for him ,me and he feels nothing for one other nothing we want to deforce each other now,because things is going worthts now,and my two daughters struggle sins 2015and2017 to get work every year they go and throy there CV in at lot off places for work but nothing they struggle we struggel,that's why the problems I thing started in my house,because we always argu about money and stuff,and my only son is in jail for

yoh I can't explain something big is going on in my house please help TB Joshua to ask the LIRD to heal ouer home and life's and help us all with work and please to sent us from the New Annointing Waters ,because my baby daughter pass matriek this year and we don't have the money to sent her to college she want to go for na flare addendence at the airport,but she wants to go first for a police force,and you know we were a very close family but for this couple off years noooooo nothing go smooth in my house any more,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE

