still Meisy, i think over the past weeks ive found myself in almost the same situation ive not been dreaming former classmates but i can totally relate to being troubled by dreams. what i know is the word of God says "in the.....i will poor out my spirit and young men will dream dreams and they shall see visions" the same word of God says "the lord has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and of a sound mind. Still Meisy being troubled and worried DOESNOT come from God, thats for sure, but he still speaks to us through dreams. before we pray, let me ask you to picture those classmates and ask yourself if any of them hurt you and you need to forgive them, if yes then please take this time to forgive them. also ask yourself, am i able to reach out to them? to text them or visit them? if yes then after you can look them up on social media and ask them how they are and if you can meet for coffee. in fact can you plan a reunion? hahaaa. but from what ive got so far you are concerned about them and you can just reach out and meet or text them.
but lets pray, for you first because you could use some clarity and peace. Lord, i thank you for Still meisy, thank you for his/her heart for others and i bring her to you lord, we donnot know what these dreams mean lord but you are the God of clarity will you bring clarity to these dreams and lord we pray for peace over Meisy and we pray that her mind will not be a dwellling place for fear and confusion but we pray holy spirit that you will fill her mind and soul with your peace and you will abide in her heart, mind and soul and you will keep her from any attack or fear in jesus name, lord watch over her going out and her lying down fill her with good dreams and good pictures in her eyes that she will see you and your beautifu l angels,
lord she has been seeing her classmates and lord you have the whole world in your hands and you have them in your hands too lord would you protect them jesus, surround these classmates wwith your fire ord, protect them jesus, keep them from harm and lord will you bless them with the gift of salvation, lord they that dont know you will you send your spirit lord and mnister to their hearts, they that need a friend lord will you stir still Meisyy's heart to just love on them and be there for them, they that are lonely lord will yu bring loving mates for them jesus, they that are sick lord will you heal them, they that need breakthrough will you come thruogh for them lord, jesus tahnk you that you love them. lord thank you for stirring still meisy's heart lord all that the evil one meant for evil lord turn it to good, lord turn it good for your glory for your glory jesus...amen and amen