Humble Servant
Hello pls help pray for me and my siblings. 1) be able to love our Lord with all my heart, mind, body, and soul. Been struggling with this since i was a child. 2) for a wife and child 3) my brother has been suffering from severe depression and wants to give up on life for 20years i believe. I do not know anymore what is wrong with him. I do not want to try and diagnose since am not sure and it is very very complicated i believ that the Lord knows what is wrong with him and i pray that He will heal him. 4) my nephew, my brother son, is not matured in thinking, probably due to my bro and sisinlaw always quareling. 5) my sisinlaw wants to be separated with my bro because of his depression and taking a toll on her health as well she is sick now and is blaming my bro for her sickness worsening. 6) my eldest sister single and on her 50s have myoma and just had cataract surgery and very prideful. 7) i do not want to stay on my current work for long. Pls help pray that my brother finds peace and live for the Lord and trust him and forgive all that we siblings had done to him if that is the one he has grudges with. My sister to be able to find the Lord as well. Pray that i please our Lord only. And i also pray that since our siblings are a mess always quarrelling and our lives not peaceful, that we, Jesus saves us at the end of time and be with Him.