Hello, please pray fir God to make me pretty and look like Elsa from frozen
you look a zillion times better ! ( plus you are ahem.. Real!) it s cartoon and their is so much out of proportion wiht cartoons these day. i myself got confused about my own beauty cuase i too compareed myslf to cartoons.. But please know You are made in His image! fearfully and wonderfully made by the Lord God almighty! The Lord Jesus Christ.. who continuously fashion you.. i get it though.. i can struggle with the devil as well concerning beauty.. but he is a liar..
and the images we see in cartoons are disproportional not even realistic not to mentioned computerized,,, in my honest opinion and yes i
really do know what it is like to compare myself to these images.. I totally did this too and it messed whit me at the time but now i know its not only fake butt he devil can use such false ideas of images to deceive.. but dönt let the devil deceive you.. can't compare that at ALL to your REAL Wonderfully and fearfully made in t he Image of almighty God (to something not even real..)
I get you though... we (me too girl) need to be on guard to the lies of the devil concerning beauty. ad REal beauty. I need God to hep me see the truth int his area as well..
You are SO incredibly Beautiful !! If you only knew!!But ima tell y ou Nothing compares to YOUR beauty..how amazing you are and to eb made in the image of God almighty!
Bible says, “
Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Ps. 29: 2, 1 Chron. 16: 29; Ps. 96: 9)
So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty, for He is thy Lord; worship thou Him.