Hello, people. Could not be on here too much yesterday. Don't know how many prayers I can do today either. Please pray for Jim. As some of you know, he was diagnosed with a condition called Lewy Body type dementia yesterday. He also may have another dementing process, Pray God gives me the strength and patience to deal with this. When the doc gave the dx, I took it worse than Jim did. I burst into tears. One thing I ask you to pray hard for: Pray they do not take away his driver's license at this point. The main is an excellent driver. He is happiest behind the wheel. Pray that the right thing happens with the driving situation. To take away his driving now would just be cruel, premature and pointless. He drives better than most people. (He used to be driving teacher.) On the other hand, if he gets to a point where he can't do it any more, let him accept that and let nobody be harmed. If he must stop at some time, let it be the right time. Your sister in Christ, Lamb.