Disciple of Prayer
Hello it has been a while since I was on this Prayer website, this has been down to life getting in the way and attempting to go it alone. Feeling sometimes not wanting to trouble ppl for prayers at ones lowest but hoping that God would just hear me. I have missed the feeling of being as part of community - others who I only lift my spirits through their prayers and love. God knows my heart, the things that are troubling me, worries with work, the lack of communication with my son, though in the same house, I feel like his landlady than his mother, my worries about getting older, and not being in control of my body, my finances which is yet to be sorted out, this is being investigated via a complaint i have made. Of late I feel lost, losing my identity. I am off work at this time for stress, just need some time to build my spirit. These things are small, but please pray for my home. I would also like to lift up my neighbour, who has been suffering with Cancer for almost a year and half, I never really got on with them, but God put them upon my mind to pray for them some time back, and this I have done. This is how I found out he had cancer because I hadnt seen him for a while. His wife is clear to see is worried, so I ever so often knock on the door to look in on them. They have two teenage children. I ask for your prays on behalf of this family, that yourselves will just stand with me before God in securing a miracle, as his wife has told me recently the Cancer has now spread to his Liver. She says she has lost faith, he says if it is his time, so be it. I would appreciate your prayers, Many thanks