Disciple of Prayer
Hello I am writing to ask for prayers for ky son Bryce. Bryce is 21 and. Junior at Elmhurst University. He plays quarterback. This request may seem trivial and in the grand scheme of things it is very very trivial. Bryce is a true man of God giving miney tobthe homeless selflessly. Pratong for orhers and always trusting Gods plan. This young man came into our bedroom ine night at a very young age terrified that he would spend eternity in hell. We have pursued a Christian education for all our children and Bryces faith only grew and many of his teachers and friends have encouraged him to be a Pastor. We pray for that as well. Bryces senior year was a covid year and because if it his last football season was not a normal season. His scholl played teams from much latger schools and as a result they went from a playoff team the year before to winless. In his final game after leading a pledge to name the kids who had not played that year captains. So that their parents could be proud as well. The game started out poorly for his team and 6 minutes into the first quarter after throwing an interception Bryce was sent to the bench. Despite please from his teammates Bryce remained on the bench and did not protest. He stood tall in Gods grace and cheered his team on. When the game was over Bryce collapsed in tears into my arms as we hugged. He was heartbroken. The head coach later admitted that it was a mistake but he thought it would make Bryce a stronger colledge player. Bryce is now at Elmhurst where he tranffered last year to be closer to home. He tranferred from St Olaf college where he has a chance to compete for a starting role because he felt the college was hypocritical by allowing and condoning a number of Gods teachings and felt the atmosphere wasn't conducive to his love for God. He met with the coaches from Elmhurst who told him he would be given a chance to play a this never came to true and after going 0-10 the coaches were fired. The new staff has told my son what a great leader he is and they have 3 qbโs that could be starter including him He is currently #3 on the chart. Despite some chances he and the otyer young man really havent been given any chances to show their worth. The team is still strugling to win. I am asking that God give Bryce the strength to persevere and to get one last chance to play. I think thats all he really wants is to just know what it feels like to finsh on your terms and playing. I dont mean for this prayer to sound selfish i realize how blessed i and my son are i am just asking for him to get a chance to close the door on his career playing so it doesnt linger. So that his mind will be clear of it. So there are no what ifs May all who read this know my thanks for you and my LORD