Disciple of Prayer
Hello, I am being possessed by angelic beings that are also demonic and for some reason they are trying to destroy my life. They have been possessing and tormenting me for many years now. I am either in an alternate timeline, or they have all of my technology, i.e., phone, fax, internet, cell phone keyed to a different timeline. They are not allowing me to access any of my true data and information. Especially any eCommerce or payment accounts. They are blocking me from earning any money and are trying to drive me destitute and homeless. They have had me trapped in this position now for the past 5 years. They have me cut off from everything, even my real family. Please help me. Ask your angelic guides to please help correct this problem. I would truly be thankful to you or anyone that can help me. These beings have hijacked my body and are attempting to (or have already) swap my soul. How do I know this? Because they have been working on this for several years now. They have replaced all or part of my soul with a nephilim morphonagetic field. It's an android with artificial intelligence that these angelic/demonic Pleiadians are able to manipulate and control at will. They can even make you feel like you are being possessed by Satan who tortures you while slowly siphoning your blood or your soul. Let me make it clear, that I DID NOT AGREE TO THIS!!!! This is a crime! And I would advise anyone else who is experiencing this to get help immediately!!! Don't wait until it may be too late, like I did. They will ruin your timeline!! They have me routed through different timelines and it has been nothing but a total nightmare!!! Too much to go into here. Although I have been fighting this thing everyday now for years. I was holding out hope that "good" angelic beings would eventually come through and correct this. But, it has not happened. I personally think that they are all same..good, bad, and indifferent! I have broken any contracts that my pre-incarnating self may have made prior to incarnating, and have written my own declaration/contract and consent decrees, which they ignore! I am also a dues paying member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, so they have no 'legal right' to do anything to my body or soul without MY consent. Please be forewarned about any such dealings with these beings!! Thank you and many blessings. Dante