Humble Servant
Hebrews 11: 5 --- Is faith my journey? I have faith in Jesus. I have faith in you my prayer friends. I pray in faith. I am in faith. I have faith in my wife Allie. May love find her in my faith. She has walked away from her faith and our faith. But that doesn't mean faith walked away from her. People may think that they can abandon their faith but faith won't abandon them...ever. I learned something recently about my faith in God and our marriage. It was built on faith in God and trust in our lives. Kindness and compassion for our lives and the spirit of our hearts desires. We both shared our faith. When things don't work out perfectly people can lose their faith but that's when faith will be stronger. They will walk away from their faith but they don't realize it will stay with them. It's how faith works. The problems in the world are people putting their faith in the wrong people and things. Money and weapons and borders and races and politics and other similar distractions. Faith doesn't teach that. Faith is believing in God and your God given sense of ethics and integrity to one another. The Golden Rule and the Truth. Faith in God teaches us that God is love. Love is keeping your word. Keeping your agreement. Keeping your mind clean. Keeping your family close. Loving your fellow man. Treating people with love and forgiveness. Faith has developed my heart to be an example to myself to not let anyone mistreating me make me feel like returning evil for evil. I have faith they're going to get better. I have faith in my love even if they don't have love for me. I am in faith that my love is faithful. People who get angry and addicted to drugs and alcohol and betray their loved ones and give up on. God are being deceived by their own minds. God hasn't given up on them. It's easy to be deceived when you practice in putting your faith in the material world the carnal world the world of fears. It's not safe to take your eyes off God these days. Because God is love. If it's not God it's not love. Detach from God and you will forever be in fear. Fear and pain and suspect of anything or anyone who is different from you. But we're all connected with God's love. I am in faith that we'll see ourselves forgive each other. I am in faith marriages will heal with love. I am in faith wars will end. I am in faith a person's faith is their own business. I am in faith people will see themselves in others as equal. I am in faith that we will respect the earth. I am in faith we will self govern our own lives. I am in faith for mankind to be able to help one another. If you're now in faith then it's in God's hands. You are everyone pushed out. We are all part of the human condition. Enjoy your life in faith. May everyone come together in faith. It's my belief in God We will. Amen