Beloved of All
Heavenly thank u this morning. Pls bless mA dad, mom, brother, sister, brother. Pls bless they. And while they at work at all they go. Pls bless all those on this site and their families and loved ones. Pls bless all families and loved ones in Europe, Asia, Africa. australia, south america, mexico, and central america. canada, USA, and Greenland. Pls bless all those in europe, Asia, Africa. australia, south America, mexico, and central america. canada, USA, and Greenland. Pls save all those families and loved ones of those on the prayer site that need be saved. Pls bless they so they will committ their
and lives to u and accept u as their lord and savior. And they'll willingness to obey u and seek u and study and read Matthew mark John and Luke in bible. And bless they with a willingness to pray alway. Plz save all families and loved ones in europe, Asia, and africa that r in needing be saved. Pls bless they'll will give their lives to u and accept u as their Lord and Savior. They will have a willingness to obey u and seek u and study and read first books in , committing to prayer and willingness to pray. Pls save all families and loved ones in australia, south america, mexico, and central america that needing saved. Pls bless theyll committ their lives and
to u and accept u as their lord and savior. And pls bless theyll with willingness to obey u and seek u and read first books in new testament and committ to prayer and pls save all families and loved ones in Canada, USA and Greenland. Pls save all those in europe, Asia, Africa. Australia, south America, Mexico, and central america. And canada, USA and Greenland that needing be saved. Pls help all those on here and there families and loved ones with needs. Pls help all families and loved ones and all those in europe, Asia, and Africa. And australia. And south America, mexico, and central america. and canada, USA, and Greenland in need. Pls bless all those on the site at their jobs and all places they go. Pls bless their families and loved ones at their jobs, schools, and travels. Pls bless all those in europe, Asia and Africa. And Australia and south America, mexico, and central america. And canada, USA and Greenland in their travels jobs and all they complete and go each day and week. Pls bless all families and loved ones in europe, Asia, and Africa. And australia. And south america, mexico, and central america. And canada, USA and Greenland in their jobs, schools and all places they go. Pls bless all those on here and there families and loved ones and all those across the world and all families and loved ones across the world with favor with u, favor with coworkers, favor with customers, favor with supervisors. And favor with teachers and peers. Pls bless so my past will be erased and will have no control on my future. Pls bless so I'll success at job. and my dad and mom and the community will have my reputation restore. food to eat. Stay serious. Amen.