Beloved of All
Heavenly pls save this person I was having a job with at Wendy’s. Pls s he’ll make it to heaven. Pls comfort his family. Pls save they if they are in need of being saved. Pls touch their hearts. Pls bless them s they’ll come to know you and know your word And have a relationship with you and a prayer life. Pls save All those in his dad’s life in need of being saved. Pls touch their heart. Pls bless they s they’ll come to know you and know your word and have a relationship with you and a prayer life. Pls save all those in his mom’s life in need of being saved. Pls touch their hearts. Pls bless they s they’ll come to know you and know your word and have a relationship with you and a prayer life. Pls save this person in need of be saved. Pls save her mom and sisters and those in her life and the life of her mom and sister s. Pls save all those in need of being saved. Pls save all families in need of being saved. Pls help all those in need and all families in need. Pls bless my dad and mom. Pls satisfy their needs. Pls be with they as they go to their jobs and all the places they are in. Pls be with the ppl they share jobs with. Pls bless my dads friends. Pls satisfy their needs and the needs of those in their life and the life of their families. Pls bless the ppl my dad share job with. Pls bless their families and those in their life and the life of their families. Pls satisfy their families. Pls bless their going and coming. Pls give they favor and peace and help. Pls bless my brother and brother and sister. Pls keep they safe. Pls be with they as they go to their jobs and classes. Pls satisfy their needs. Pls give they favor and peace and help. Pls bless they’re going and coming. Pls be with their friends and classmates and the ppl they share jobs with. Pls satisfy their needs and the needs of their families and those in the life of their families. Pls help all those here and their families and those in their life and the life of their families. Pls protect me and my family from falling away. Pls protect all those on here from falling away. Pls protect their families from falling away. Pls protect my brother from falling away. Pls protect my sister from falling away. Pls protect my brother from falling away. Pls protect me and my family this evening. Pls kindly do the same for all those on here and their families and friends and those in their life and the life of their families. amen.