Beloved of All
Heavenly pls forgive my father’s brothers and my father’s family for the things they did. Pls s they’ll have a chance. Pls change their hearts. Pls bless they s thee’ll come to know u and know ur word and obey ur word and have a relationship w u and a prayer life. Pls s my dad will have healing and peace and happiness. Pls satisfy his needs. Pls satisfy my mom’s needs. Pls bless her brothers and sisters and her brothers family and her sisters family. Pls satisfy their needs. Pls bless the s they’ll come to know u and know ur word and have a relationship with u and a prayer life. Pls satisfy my brothers needs. Pls help they. Pls save those in their life in need of being saved. Pls save the s they’ll come to know u and know ur word and obey ur word and have a relationship with u and a prayer life. Pls kindly do the same for all those on here and their families. Pls save their families if they r need of being saved. Pls save all those in need of being saved. Pls save all families in need of being saved. amen.